Thursday, January 17, 2013

New KRQ Video added to my YouTube Channel!

Push-up bras and cleavages galore! Korean racing model Kim Na-hyon and friends for CFC at the 2012 Seoul Auto Salon. Warning! Extreme closeup shots!

78th Comic World. Busan, S. Korea.

With the holidays and everything else, I almost forget to post these shots I took at last month's 78th Comic World in Busan. Cute, ingenious, and lovely. Aren't they? Do you see any possible Korean racing queen material for the near future here?

Saturday, January 5, 2013

G-Star 2012. Ignored booth babes...

Here's a few shots I took of some cute Korean booth babes at last year's G-Star. Most of them ignored by photographers at the show. You've probably never seen these babes coz they normally don't like being photographed when they are, well, "working." You know handing out flyers, stamping stuff, giving away bags full of goodies, etc. Some of them were friendly, some weren't. But hey, that didn't stop me from taking quick snaps of them, and now you guys can see them, too...Enjoy!