Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busan Walk (10 Photos)

Tis the season! Xmas lights are back in Busan's Nampo, Lotte dept. store frenzy, motorcycles in Korea, and a cup of java for the cold.

Lotte dept. store shopping frenzy courtesy of people who haven't heard of the internet and love paying up to 3x more for cheap, ugly crap.

I love bikes, but the state of riding in Korea is still sad. Bikes are way overpriced due to heavy taxes imposed to foreign companies. Not too many bikes or brands to choose from. Worst of all, you still can't use highways to ride; only country roads. It sucks! Anyway, I'll continue to post shots of bikes wherever I see them.

Another stupid name for a cafe chain. What's next? A threesome? ;-)

Lots of little, little balls hangin' everywhere!

Here's the "highlight" of the show!

Mobile DJs! These guys are everywhere in Korea annoying the hell out of people. Some of them sell Korean traditional candy.

The streets will remain close to traffic 'til the New Year. Except for scooter delivery people. They don't give a flying f...they continue to ride and literally run over people. Cops don't care.

Well, it's time to warm up with some java...

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